RE: Tempest lines fading

From: Joe <>
Date: Tue Aug 26 2003 - 19:06:52 EDT

Thanks Roger, but this is not the monitor. This is happening in cycles.
The lines will be good for 2 seconds or so, then bad for 2 seconds or
so, and then back again, over and over and over again. The monitor is
known good as well as the power supply, etc. The only thing different is
the board.

Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: Rodger Boots []
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Tempest lines fading

I need to word this better. Run the game until the lines fade out, THEN

set the focus to look right (horizontal lines same as vertical lines).
That way you should get a setting that works all the time.

Rodger Boots wrote:

> Sounds like the focus is shifting on the monitor. Back when I used to

> have Tempests I could get the same effect by adjusting focus. The key

> there was to set focus for the best compromise.
> Unless of course you're using different monitors on the two boards.
> But if it's a common monitor you need to fix it there. Try setting
> focus to thicken the horizontal lines a bit and see if you still have
> the problem. I doubt it's the boards.
> Joe wrote:
>> I have two Tempest boards here in which the vectors fade in and out.
>> the one board, I notice it most on the horizontal vectors. They start
>> off as a normal width, but will change to about half the width. When
>> faded, zeros on the screen look more like ones. Do, a high score of
>> 1010101 would look like ||||||||||, but with VERY faint lines
>> the tops and bottoms.
>> I've been concentrating on the DAC-08 area, but I feel I may be
>> a red herring here... I know this is not related to the aux board.
>> suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> JB
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