Re: Weirdly Deformed STAR WARS

From: jwelser <>
Date: Sun Oct 26 2003 - 21:16:41 EST

Have you adjusted the LIN, BIP, SIZE, CENTER pots?

Misadjusted video might cause those symptoms (no, that's not
normal for a WG in Star Wars)

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2003 19:37:19 -0600

> I have a STAR WARS in the lab which is exhibiting some
strange picture
>deformations. Now, I know the picture is going to be a bit "off"
due to
>the fact that this game has a Wells-Gardner 19K6100 in it, rather
than an
>Ampliphone, but as you can see from the following pictures, I
think this
>game's problems go a bit beyond that. :)
>Taken during the diamond-pattern self-test:
>During gameplay, the TIE fighters and fireballs start out
deformed in the
>distance... the best description I can think of is that they've
>vertically squashed. They straighten out as they get
>During the trench sequence, the trench walls are straight, and
the catwalks
>look right, but the laser turrets on the sides are deformed. The
ones on
>the left seem to turn themselves inside-out as they get closer.
>When the Death Star explodes, the start and endpoints of the
circles don't
>line up. (This is also a problem with the Death Star itself.)
>Anyone seen anything like this before, or have any idea what the
>is? It does this on two different monitors, so I'm pretty sure
the problem
>isn't in the monitor itself -- unless, of course, this _is_ what
>when you use the Wells-Gardner instead of the Ampliphone...?
>"In ancient times, they believed that there were only four kinds
of matter:
>Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. Nowadays, of course, we know that
there are
>actually four states of matter: Solid, Liquid, Gas, and Plasma.
Thank God
>for progress!" ---(Kelvin Throop III)
(Gary Akins jr.)
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