RE: Atari serial #'s was: Quantum spotted Portland OR auction

From: Joe <>
Date: Tue Oct 28 2003 - 04:12:14 EST

I have seen Gravitar's in the 6000 range over and over again. I have not
seen one in the 5000 range. Odd. The production numbers state 5000 and
some units. Perhaps a few BW's were in the mix of Grav #s?

I have seen Firefox UR0007 - Were very low numbers like this prototypes?
On the other hand, Gravitar cab #412 is a BW prototype. This should give
some idea of when BW was made.
I have seen tempest up to 27xxx and 110xxx to about 118xxx. Is this a
second run? All of the ones over 100000 have the purple marquee and
artwork. Or were these from a different plant, such as Ireland?
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Quantum spotted Portland OR auction
In a message dated 10/27/2003 8:51:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
        So, what's a serial number of (Quantum) "UR05000" mean? Didn't
someone do
        an Atari serial number registry a few years ago?
     I'm curious - the cabinet # is 5000, this is DEFINATELY the highest
Quantum serial # I've ever heard of. The model #38300 is correct. In the
pics, the actual Vector power supply is still in this cabinet. Is the
serial # still on this? Does it say 5000? Also, are the mounts for the
factory RF cage still there - can you see the scew holes where it was
     A while back, I remeber a discussion about FACTORY conversions and
prototypes being shipped with unusual or "out of sequence" serial #'s.
For example, I've seen a "dedicated" Black Widow with a serial #3000.
I've also seen a Space Duel (perhaps a prototype, seemed to be an
Ireland cabinet; Jess might remember this from the WinTron plant in
Bellefonte...) with a serial #5000.
     Perhaps Cris' was a Factory conversion of some kind, or more likely
a prototype? Its a shame there's no logic board that was left in the
machine.... Considering the power supply is still there, it had to be a
Vector game. The Amplifone HV rack is still there on the left, the Jamma
harness loops through it. Are there any factory harness tags (usually
blue cloth) in there anywhere? Perhaps on the coin harness, or around
the Vector power supply?
Sorrry to play "Columbo" here, but I've never even heard of a Quantum
with a #5000...

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