Re: Re: Arcadeshop goodies

From: <>
Date: Fri Dec 05 2003 - 12:58:38 EST

Hi Dave,

As I said, the CPO looks excellent. It's just different from my other CPO. The other one I have still has brilliant colors, so there's no fading. It literally has more visible detail because it's brighter than the darker one.

I'd encourage anyone to get this Star Wars CPO. It is a faithful reproduction of an original, so it meets the need in that respect.


> From:
> Date: 2003/12/05 Fri PM 02:39:27 GMT
> To:
> Subject: Re: VECTOR: Arcadeshop goodies
> In a message dated 12/4/2003 11:52:43 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> > I also ordered a Star Wars CPO and
> The Star Wars CPO project is mine. As you can imagine, finding an NOS one is
> kinda hard, so when I did, I sent it to the printer for repro. I had no idea
> that there was a lighter one. I have 11 SW machines and my repro seems to
> match them all, but they came from the same op that bought them at the same
> timer period. Maybe your lighter one faded...Glad that you like it anyway.
> Dave
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