Re: Ballblazer Carts...

From: Scott Brasington <>
Date: Tue Feb 22 2005 - 14:17:16 EST

I used a solder pot to remove a bunch last year, similar technique to
what Alex indicates. It was not as easy as I had hoped and took a bit
of trial and error. One thing was that sometimes the pins (maybe a
couple) are bent prior to the chip being soldered originally, which means it
does not always just fall out easily when the solder is moltant. And afterwards
as well as cleaning up the pins as Alex says you may have to straighten
them out. There is also the time of taking the cartridge out of the package,
then taking the pcb out of the plastic cartridge (which has one screw
beneath the label), then popping it apart. So dont under estimate the
entire time of the complete process.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alex Yeckley" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 12:43 PM
Subject: RE: VECTOR: Ballblazer Carts...

> > I bought a case of these years ago and there's one gotcha with these.
> > Desoldering a 40 pin chip is a real pain in the *ss. Maybe
> > I'm just not a good desolderer but getting all 40 pins free takes a while.
> Yes, it sucks. The problem is that the thru-hole diameters are much smaller
> than you'd normally expect for a 40 pin IC. I tried removing them a few
> different ways, and eventually settled on standing at the middle of a wave
> solder machine and floated them in the bath, then plucked the IC off with an
> extractor. I suppose you could do the same thing if you had a big enough
> solder pot. You'd still need to clean up the legs of excess solder.
> Alex
> ----
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