RE: 6101 deflection board parts

From: joemagiera <>
Date: Mon May 02 2005 - 15:45:11 EDT

FYI, I got an email back from WG clarifying that it was a typo, and is
indeed a 1N5402.

I called and asked him about some other parts that are poorly identified,
such as Q603, Q703, Q604, Q704, which are just identified as "PNP
Transistor" and "NPN Transistor". He said he'd look them up if I really
needed them, but it isn't a straight forward process. He said he has to
work backwards from the same manual I had, look up the Atari part number
listed which gives him the WG part number, then look that up, which leads to
another list, etc.. The trouble is these monitors, being so old, the
documentation isn't computerized, so it's all manual in several different

If there are any vector related WG parts that people would like to clarify,
let me know. I'll email him with a full list. He said it would be a little
easier to look up several at once. He also said he could get info on a 6401
if there is any missing info that we've been looking for on that one.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Rodger Boots
> Sent: Monday, May 02, 2005 02:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: VECTOR: 6101 deflection board parts
> The 1N4000 series are slow as death 1 amp rectifiers meant for 60 Hz
> power rectification and pretty much nothing else. Unfortunately people
> have a tendency to stick them in places they don't belong.
> This is one of those places.
> Stick with the 1N5402. Is a 1N4007 (1 amp, 1000 volt) a replacement for
> a 3 amp part? Not really.
> This part information should be added to the troubleshooting flowchart
> (since the manual is no help in finding the correct replacement), if
> anyone has a way to do that.
> joemagiera wrote:
> >Working through fixing these 2 6101's, I got one fixed (thanks
> you guys!).
> >
> >Using Greg Woodcock's troubleshooting flowchart, for blowing
> fuses at F100 &
> >F101, he recommends (among other things) replacing diodes at D100, D101,
> >D102 & D103.
> >
> >The Atari manual for the 6101 shows these to be all the same, but only
> >identifies these as "Type-S5A2 Diode". A search of the vector list and
> >RGVAC shows a post saying they are 1N4007's.
> >
> >On a whim (obviously I didn't have anything better to do last night), I
> >emailed WG tech support and asked them what type are those diodes. I
> >expected no reply, or maybe a "we haven't supported that in 10
> years" reply
> >at best.
> >
> >However, I was surprised to get this reply this morning:
> >
> >"We don't have any in stock but here is the description for that part.
> >DIODE IN5402 200V 3A Ita a Motorola Part No. 1N5402. We no longer stock
> >parts for this model."
> >
> >Anyone have any comments? Is a 1N4007 a cross to a IN5402 (I assume he
> >meant to say 1N5402)?
> >
> >What have you used to replace these diodes? Thanks,
> >
> >Joe
> >
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