RE: Asteroids speedmod daughtercards

From: Alex Yeckley <>
Date: Wed Nov 23 2005 - 13:07:59 EST

>I was able to find the schems for what looks like the "official"
>Atari rate multiplier in an old archive (on a 5 1/4 floppy!!) that I
>had laying around, file is attatched (if the list allows the 128k pdf to

Yep, that's definitly part of the DVG, and has nothing to do with the speed
the game plays at, rapid fire, etc. I believe I've got one at the shop that
I can get the PROM images from if you need (if I haven't already archived

Atari probably designed it because they couldn't second-source the 7497, or
there was a temporary shortage. I can't see it being any kind of cost
reduction - even back then bipolar PROMs were more expensive than just about
any TTL IC. I wonder if Jed Margolin would know the real story - might be
before his time though...


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