From: Ed Henciak <>
Date: Thu Jan 05 2006 - 16:15:31 EST

It has been a long time since I looked at it, but I recall having to install
a very high wattage, low ohm resistor and I needed to heat sink a transistor
that was on the board. Steve gave me the resistor. I had a good heatsink
in my garage.

Overall, the display looked great. Keep in mind that both myself and the
person that wound up with the machine are VERY picky people. I never
understood why anyone found the boards to be problematic...I never pursued
this as I only needed one replacement unit.

Jeff is a much better engineer than I, so he can probably provide you with a
lot more detail :)!

This sounds nutty, but are you absolutely certain your solder joints on the
board are OK? It looked nasty soldering the wires from the Amplifone
harness to the board...maybe you have a problem there.

I am wondering if soldering a connector to the board is the way to go. The
new/replacement harness can make use of those Molex trifurcon (or whatever
they call them) crimp-on pins for an outstanding connection....I use these
in pinball machines all the time (well, when I have time to restore an old
Williams or Bally machine). Very low resistance and the connection is made
on three sides of the pin.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of perfidious
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 4:05 PM
Subject: RE: Re[4]: VECTOR: WINTRONS

Jeff and Ed,
What if any modifications did you do when installing the Arcadeshop Hv in
the amplifone? You guys are the first ppl I have heard of that have had good
experience with this product in an Amplifone. Myself and at least 3 other
ppl have had shaky vectors when trying to use this for amplifone hv
replacement. Some others had different issues I can't recall at the moment
also. It did look better in the 6100 setup but it wasn't perfect there
either. I got my units very early on in the production so I am wondering if
something was done along the way to help this problem and I just missed it.
I would love for these to work out since I still have 2 on my shelf I
haven't used. Please let me know how you went about your installation if you

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Hendrix, Jeff
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 2:42 PM
Subject: RE: Re[4]: VECTOR: WINTRONS

I have 2 arcadeshop replacement HV units in amplifone machines (star
wars and quantum) and they have been working fine for a couple of years.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of perfidious
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 1:30 PM
Subject: RE: Re[4]: VECTOR: WINTRONS

"i find it more likely that somebody would go to arcadeshop for a
replacement than pay $300ish on ebay for a wintron."

Not if they have seen/tried to use the Arcadeshop replacement in an
Amplifone. It just doesn't work right for an Amp and all the purposed
fixes do nothing to change that. I don't think Arcadeshop even sells
them anymore for this very reason.



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