6100 HV transformer in an Amplifone HV PCB

From: simon hanlon <simonjhanlon_at_btopenworld.com>
Date: Sun Mar 12 2006 - 13:28:43 EST

I'm about to try this and wondered if anyone else had tried before?
Looking at the schematics it obviously wont go in place of the Red amplifone
but with some trace cutting I don't see why it can't work.
Both have a primary supply of near 48v (-24,+24) a bit higher on the WG but
only a few volts. B+ is 180 on both, Screen, focus and Anode should all work
fine as they use the same tube. As for the heater voltage I am going to use
the cable from the Red Amp. and wrap it around the core of the 6100
transformer in the same fashion. Surely this has been tried before and as no
one else has suggested it, I assume it failed.
Will let you know how I get on...after I have put the fire out! ;)

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Received on Sun Mar 12 13:28:48 2006

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