Re: Discoloration on monitor after moving Space Duel upright

From: Christopher X. Candreva <>
Date: Mon May 22 2006 - 14:59:27 EDT

On Mon, 22 May 2006, Tim Soderstrom wrote:

> you talking about one of those hugs ones or just a dinky one you can buy
> from Radio Shack for $12.99? Also, does it have to be plugged in for this
> (I assume so?).

The Weller gun-type gun, RS does sell one.

> Also, you mentioned you pulled your monitor out. I've read articles about
> doing just that and, as I mentioned before, I don't want to die :) So I

See, I told him not to put that in the FAQ. :-) You won't die, It may hurt
like a SOAB, but you won't die unless you are really, really stupid, like
drop the thing on yourself.

> was wondering how you discharged the electric buildup in the HV section
> and monitor? I read you can do the screwdriver method or buy a specific

You want a high voltage (HV) probe. You can do it with a screwdriver and
resistors (do NOT short it with just a screwdriver) but an HV probe is a
usefull tool anyway. I got an old Heathkit from E-bay for under $20.

And you discharge it to the monitor chasis. Do NOT discharge to a wall
outlet, as at least one web site has suggested.

Chris Candreva -- -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester
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