RE: Red Baron stuff for sale and now moving out Battlezone stuff, too

From: Lewis <>
Date: Tue Jan 16 2007 - 22:52:02 EST

My apologies to the "no commerce" folks, but I hope there are enough
list members interested in RB and BZ parts to make these "for sale"
posts OK.
The Red Baron stuff seems to be slowly working its way out the door, and
I'd like to get rid of the Battlezone cabinet it was going to reside in,
and a Battlezone mini cab, too. If anybody wants to pick up in Jefferson
City, MO, or pay for gas and meet me within a reasonable drive (Kansas
City, St. Louis, or Springfield, MO, are at the edge of the range), both
cabs with power blocks and wiring harnesses are free. If there are no
takers on the give-away offer in the next few days, I'll post a final
"for sale" post with AR IIs, wiring harnesses, BZ mini marquee, BZ mini
CP, full size BZ front thingy (periscope?), etc. and whatever RB parts
are still available. Most of the Red Baron parts are "spoken for" but
not finally sold -- only the blue overlay has been sold and shipped. At
this point, I'm waiting to hear back from those who said they wanted
parts, but who haven't yet committed.

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Received on Tue Jan 16 22:52:08 2007

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