Gravitar/Amplifone issue

From: andre <>
Date: Sun Mar 25 2007 - 19:33:34 EDT

Swapped out the ram on my Gravitar board as it was
giving 2 beeps on startup. Now I can coin up, hear the
sounds for credits, and the player buttons flash. But
I cannot start a game when I press the buttons.

On the pcb all electrolytics have been replaced.

On the Amplifone, a repair/cap kit was installed along
with a new flyback. All I get on the screen is a very
bright dot in the center (that I do not leave on for
more than a second).

I swapped in a Space Duel (unknown if it works) and
bright dot came on, but every second or so there seems
to be a sort of pulse and lightning sort of lines
radiate out from the dot.

The blue cap has been replaced and electrolytics on AR
have been replaced...

any ideas where to go from here?

The fish are biting.
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