Re: Speaking of multigame, A/AD/LL?

From: Scott Brasington <>
Date: Wed Apr 18 2007 - 11:22:38 EDT

Sean McLachlan wrote:
> I looked on, and it said his Asteroids multigame is on
> hold.

I occasionally get a few minutes here and there to work on it. Been
about 4 weeks since I last touched it.

For the asteroids kit, I've basically been finishing up some loose ends
and debugging an issue with the emulated thrust in LL, which I think I
have solved, but have not had much time to test it thoroughly, nor any
time yet to even release a new version to my beta testers.

For the ast deluxe kit, I still have a bunch of work left to rewrite
the missing analog sounds to use the pokey. I currently have all the
sounds mapped, but some need improvement to sound more accurate. Currently
I've used sounds similar to how ast dlx does it, which are not the same
as how a true asteroids analog would sound like. It will never be exact
or even near exact given the limits of the pokey chip, but I would like
to improve them.

The asteroids kit requires 2 wires to be soldered to the board (2 wires
attach from the kit to your board). The deluxe kit is plug and play,
no attaching of any wires is needed which is nice.

I have quite a bit of documentation to finish, which I also get a few
minutes here and there to update. (eg. install instructions, trouble
shooting, setup menus, etc...)

I have mothballed so to speak all of my parts, etc, and have mainly been
testing on MAME and on my personal machine. The hardware was completed
about 3 years ago and I purchased most of the parts back then. I'm in
good shape here and I have a couple hundred pokey chips, most still in
ballblazer carts. All this stuff is packed away and I dont have easy
access to it.

I do not have any extra kits on hand right now, and I do not plan on building
any more until it is closer to being ready to release. I get asked almost
daily it seems like if I have extra beta kits, or if I will sell the parts,
etc.. The answer is not at this time.

My next work items are to release new updates to my beta testers, improve
the documentation, and if all goes well from that, I will consider building
up some more kits and doing some type expanded beta testing or pre-release.
This will be a minimum several months away depending on how much time I get
to work on it. With warm weather here, 4 kids, and a house that needs some
repairs, I'm not sure how much time I will get on it. I want to make it
clear, this project is a low priority to me in terms of other things in my
life right now.

I hope that sheds some light on where this project status is at. Thanks
for the interest.


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