Re: Re[2]: Re: Battlezone....almost there....

From: andre <>
Date: Mon May 21 2007 - 13:36:32 EDT

230? I think in one evening of playing now I hit
49K...230 is good.. I know back in the days I was very
good at this game..I can do tanks quite well but the
missiles are my nemesis..I had a pattern I can
remember on handling them all the time but cannot
recall how I did it. I'm sure it will come back to me
some time..

Yes someone in another forum mentioned something like
a mute not working or else on the analogue side..he
thought there were analogue and digital on
seems intermittent..I'll have to check over the


> Not sure about the bleep during attract, BUT I did
> have a problem on the mini with my other board when
> I first got it up and running. Iirc, I was getting
> some noise from time to time during attract (sounded
> like a crackly explosion), but I cant remember if I
> fixed it or just swapped the mathbox pcb over. The
> sound circuitry is pretty simple anyway, so it might
> be a mute line or something thats causing the
> problem.
> With the mathbox fault, you will get some very
> strange looking tanks indeed, You'll certainly know
> when this happens for sure !!!
> In Diagnostics, Look for a H or an L on the
> screen, this indicates a mathbox problem - As Peter
> says, check the cable (and the connectors - might
> need a clean or a reflow with fresh solder).
> My High score is about 230,000 on factory
> settings, which I thought was good until I saw the
> twin galaxies ones. I can get about 80,000 most of
> the time.
> Good Luck,
> Colin
> andre <> wrote:
> Yes you are right, there are actually 2 of the
> original eproms that are still used. I thought all
> were replaced..instructions sorta made it sound that
> way. Just reflashed a couple and it works now...just
> need to get the vectors aligned a little better so
> the
> mountains are not floating above the horizon but
> fully
> I still love this game...
> But I am very glad to finally get this going as the
> original pcb was the only one I had not solved
> (other
> than the pile of spares I have been stockpiling)
> waiting for the comparator to arrive in the mail.
> Does your BZone beep from the radar in attract? That
> seems to be the only attract sound but its very
> faint...I don't recall this from the arcade days..
> Do you know what sort of effect a bad slice
> processor
> would manifest itself as? Either this game or
> tempest?

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