WG6100 Fuses Blow and I'm out of Ideas

From: Malcolm Mackenzie <maxstang_at_sbcglobal.net>
Date: Sun Aug 05 2007 - 10:49:25 EDT

I'm stumped. I have an early revision WG6100 deflection board I'm trying to get working. Board was missing a bunch of parts which I've replaced. When I power it up, I get chatter and some garbage vectors on the screen for about 10 sec, and then F100 and F101 both blow. I've checked rectifier diodes and replaced the entire LV section as well as checked the sinked transistors and resistors on the board. I've tested all the diodes and resistors (without removing them) and everything looks good. I've also reflowed all the connectors and wires to the board. I'm using a known good chassis tube, HV, neckboard, and tube mounted transistors and a game with known good output. Any ideas what I'd be missing? -Malcolm
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Received on Sun Aug 5 10:49:28 2007

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