Re: Tempest - no blue

From: Tom Cloud <>
Date: Wed Apr 30 2008 - 11:05:25 EDT

I don't get many opportunities to contribute, and this may be too simplistic of an approach but... I had the same problem with my Tempest when I first bought it, the only difference was it was red that was missing. One day I decided to track it down and started by wiggling the wires to the yoke one at a time. I discovered a cold solder joint on the red feed wire to the neck board.
  Resoldered the wire joints and I've had all colors since - about 8 years now.
  just my .02.

andre <> wrote:
  Self test fine meaning no errors.. blue is missing
there as well.. Ya I tracked down a guide that pointed
to Q2 and Q4 or the D-A network near H9 (for all good
that means unless just the dacs in that area)..
I'll check the resistors as well...
Thanks for the help!

--- wrote:

> Self test is fine: does that mean that blue shows
> up in the self test? Whites are white?
> Blues in self test and no blues in regular mode
> would be funky indeed.
> In the color output circuitry, there are some
> dedicated components for each color and some shared.
> Are the blues showing up as a different color or
> missing entirely?
> Missing entirely, I would suspect the transistor
> or resistors dedicated for blue: R55, R56, R76, R79,
> Q4.
> Blue shows up as something else, maybe a stuck
> line in N8 or P8.
> Good luck.
> Kerry
> ---- andre
> >
> > The game works fine, but its missing the color
> blue...
> > All other colors are there at proper intensity
> (except
> > something that needs or is blue).. Any ideas what
> > could be the issue? Self-test is fine.. Could it
> be
> > something in the z-blanking circuit? If so does
> the
> > color blue point to any one chip?
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