Re: G08 input voltages

From: William Boucher <>
Date: Mon Dec 15 2008 - 18:58:08 EST

I agree. The linear fashion in which the transistors drop voltage is bound
to produce a significant increase in power dissipation. Not only that, but
isn't the Vce max voltage of the transistors 120V ? I can imagine that
rating being exceeded by a significant margin whenever the monitor takes a
swing all the way to any one side. That would likely cause an immediate
catastrophic and permanent failure of the transistor. I would assume
further damage could result to other components when the short circuit

William Boucher

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Cc: "utahtaper" <>
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 5:25 PM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: G08 input voltages

> There is NO WAY that a G08 will be able to handle 120VAC where it is
> expecting 90VAC.
> The +/- 63VDC rails are generated by the most elementary diode rectifier
> bridge and capacitor combination there is.
> You would be directly scaling up the collector voltages on the yoke
> output transistors by 33 percent. Seeing that a common alteration to the
> operation is to DROP the input voltage for cooler operation, I would
> expect a heat based failure in short order.
> Kerry
> ---- utahtaper <> wrote:
>> A couple years ago I bought a Skydiver that was converted into Star Trek.
>> The cabinet was falling apart and I ended up parting it. I suspect they
>> tapped into the isolation transformer to run the G08 from. From what I've
>> been told the G08 takes 90VAC(two lines of 45VAC). This transformer is
>> outputting 120VAC(Two lines of 60VAC). Anyone out there know if this
>> monitor can handle this voltage? It would seem it's a bad idea even
>> though the converted game had been running that way for who knows how
>> long. I was hoping to try it out with my ZVG setup.
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