Re: laser hack?

From: Graham Toal <>
Date: Wed Jan 28 2009 - 15:28:54 EST

Thanks Rob (and sorry I took so long to reply - only just now noticed
your post) - but I wasn't asking about the software or laser output in
general - what I was hoping to find out was whether these specific
cheap laser devices that I linked to were capable of being driven in
an arbitrary X/Y mode so that they could be hooked up to an
implementation such as Laser/Lazy-mame or anything else (in fact I
have C source code for tailgunner which is what I was really hoping to

It's possible that these device are too special-purpose to be
hackable. They may not have arbitrary control over the direction of
the beam, for example; or it may only be able to do points (stars) but
not lines? I haven't seen one in person, and its a little too much to
take a risk on just ordering one - hence hoping someone had seen them



On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 11:29 PM, Rob Mudryk <> wrote:
> I did it back in 2000, and now someone did it again with newer and cheaper
> hardware. Look for LazyMame on youtube.
> Original LaserMame:
> New LazyMame:
> Graham Toal wrote:
>> Anyone ever looked at something like this to see if it can be driven
>> with X/Y inputs?
>> Could make a cheap vector display if it is hackable to make it steerable.
>> G
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