Re: Tempest Problems

From: William Boucher <>
Date: Wed Mar 11 2009 - 19:58:29 EDT

Sounds like either bad static ram (the 2016/5116/6116 2kx8's) or bad output
DAC's or bad AVG.

My sympathies regarding the monitor component burnouts. That is
frustrating. Sounds like your "Y" was bad. Hopefully it didn't hurt frame
transistor Q605.

On all models prior input protection circuitry (P314), there is always risk.
I stick to P327 deflection boards in the wg6100 monitors for exactly that
reason. If you have an older version, installing the higher power rated
resistors will help it survive such incidents. Also, installing the
back-to-back zeners as per the "Major Havoc" conversion will limit
deflection output current to a tolerable level.

Good luck.

William Boucher

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kirk Spradling" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 9:19 AM
Subject: VECTOR: Tempest Problems

> The game started locking up after playing a short time, test screens
> indicated no problems. I left the machine as it was and have now come
> back to it. No vector display at all, game will enter test mode and
> reports ALL Roms are bad. Pulled and tested them. Game locks up after a
> few minutes on the test screen. Can cycle thru the test screens, gets
> sounds, reports buttons pressed, spinner, etc. With the machine able to
> bring up the test screens, it would seen the problem is in the vector
> area. Any tips? How do you hook a scope up to the outputs? Simply put
> it in X/Y mode and hook leads to the X and Y outputs? I suppose it will
> look a mess with no blanking/color select. Tried a spare boardset and
> cooked R602/3 & R612 on the deflection PCB. The monitor has no input
> protection. Before it went, the spare boardset played however the vectors
> were huge and slanted at a 45 degree angle.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Kirk S.
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