Re: zvg settings and issues

From: Chad Gray <>
Date: Mon Mar 29 2010 - 16:17:23 EDT

It's pretty much finished now, though I was thinking of adding rotation and
mouse support for Tempest cab use at some point. I'll fire you over a copy
as I'd be interested in seeing how it looks on a Cine monitor.



On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 9:58 PM, Lewis D'Aubin <>wrote:

> Chad Gray wrote:
>> You can get crafty with your VM.BAT file for game specific settings, e.g.
>> if %1 == sundance goto sundance
> BIG Thanks for this info!!!
> Ian did indeed lose the source to the Vector Menu. After a conversation
>> with him before Xmas, Ian kindly sent me what little routines and test
>> programs he still had, along with the co-ordinates for the manufacturer and
>> Mame logos. I started writing a new menu from scratch, some grainy pics
>> here:
> That's promising to be a very pretty looking menu!!! Please keep all of us
> up on the progress, should you finish it... (I'm especially interested
> because with my Cine monitor, you only get two levels of intensity, and the
> highlight does NOT show correctly on the current menu.
> -Lewis
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