25" LOW res CRT on Star Wars

From: Andre Huijts <a.huijts_at_upcmail.nl>
Date: Sat Jul 17 2010 - 09:36:07 EDT

This is now the 2nd machine I'm working on that has a LOW res tube instead of a med-res that is supposed to be in there.

The FIRST machine I worked on has a WG6100 chassis.

The SECOND has an Amplifone chassis, but as mentioned BOTH have low res CRTs.

Now, whatever I try, I cannot get these things to converge at least a BIT nicely.

Using the test-raster screen ,the main issue is that blue is UNDER the horizontal white lines on the top, but is ABOVE the horizontal white lines on the bottom. Whatever I try, I cannot solve this because if I make it correct on the top part of the screen, it will become worse on the bottom part and vice versa.

Now, my theory is that the yoke is probably not set-up for a 25" low-res tube that may have a different angle than the mid-res tube. Could that be the cause ?

Or could it be that we are using a wrong or to weak convergence ring-set ?

Regretfully the typenr. of the used CRT is torn-off so I can't see if it's 90 or 100 degrees.


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Received on Sat Jul 17 09:36:13 2010

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