Re: WG6401 swap

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Sat Aug 14 2010 - 19:35:21 EDT

PJ wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* John Robertson <>
> *To:* <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 12, 2010 8:34 AM
> *Subject:* Re: VECTOR: WG6401 swap
> Jeffrey Matthews wrote:
>> Hi;
>> I'm putting together an Aztarac project and since acquiring the
>> WG19K6401 med res monitor seems to be an act of futility, I am
>> now looking at the possibility of swapping a med res Amplifone
>> set in it's place.
>> Thanks to David Fish who had posted the input specs for the 6401,
>> it seems that I might have a chance, although the display would
>> be a little smaller than that of the 6401, it might just work.
>> The reason for this post is to get opinions as to the validity of
>> my theory.
>> The 6401 specs are:
>> "X" full deflection 8V P/P (+4V to -4V) 15 inches
>> "Y" full deflection 6V P/P (+3V to -3V) 11.25 inches
>> The Amplifone specs are:
>> "X" full deflection 16V P/P (+8V to -8V) 15 inches
>> "Y" full deflection 12V P/P (+6V to -6V) 11.25 inches
>> As you can see, the voltage requirement for full deflection of
>> the Amp is exactly twice that of the WG and the ratio of "X"
>> voltage to "Y" voltage remains the same. Taking this into
>> consideration, would it be possible then, to just substitute the
>> Amp in it's place without fear of negative physical consequences
>> to the PCB or monitor?
>> I understand that the display area using the Amp set would be
>> approximately half of what it would be using the 6401 but could
>> it not be adjusted, although slightly, utilizing the "X" and "Y"
>> size pots on the PCB?
>> Taking it a step further, would it be possible to actually modify
>> the PCB, by replacing components, to output twice the voltage
>> levels or is that taking it too far?
>> I'm still searching for the actual WG19K6401 manual as well as
>> the monitor itself, if anyone has any leads, they would be
>> greatly appreciated!
>> Thanks
>> Jeff M.
> Hi Jeff,
> I for see no problems with trying the setup as you have outlined.
> Can not see any risk to the board, nor the monitor - you are, if
> anything, under driving the monitor so the image would at best be
> smaller.
> Let us know the results!
> I was thinking that using my rasterhack and a 19" ega monitor (I
> have about six or so left) with some kludging (interfacing Vector
> for Raster deflection) of the deflection may work, but doubt the
> image would be true...if I only had time!
> John :-#)#
> --
> John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9
> Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, VideoGames)
> "Old pinballers never die, they just flip out"
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I originally thought of swapping tubes from a 19" VGA to an Amplifone,
> but there is an additional focus element on the gun assembly that has
> to have something on it. Maybe time to look into a repro of the best
> of the original xy deflection boards and get someone in China to build
> some 90 degree yokes for what's available in 19" tubes (Cheng-Hua).
> With the cinelabs amplifone or WG flybacks available, it would be
> simple to repro the HV cage as most everything on the board was off
> the shelf.
I have EGA tubes (medium res), not VGA (high res) ones...drop by the
shop and I'll lend you one to try out.

John :-#)#

John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9 
Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, VideoGames)
"Old pinballers never die, they just flip out"
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