RE: Assistance with Star Wars w/Clay's ESB Kit --- SW novram clobber?

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Mon Feb 21 2011 - 22:42:16 EST

> I'm assuming this is the 2212 used for SW novram. Is that right?

I'm 99% sure that's right. (Sorry, it's been a long time since I had to
look at/think about that. ;-)

The idea was that you could take your existing Star Wars settings and high
scores and move them over to the daughterboard without losing anything.

The only thing that comes to (my) mind at the moment is that maybe with two
NOVRAMs sharing their connections (except for the chip select which is muxed
by the game select switch) maybe the 'new' SW 2212 doesn't have enough time
to store the SRAM copy of the memory to the NV portion of the chip before
the EAROM power goes away.

For grins, you might try something like putting a big electrolytic cap
across the "+5EAROM" power and ground pins of the 2212's on the
daughterboard. (Like a 470-1000uF or something-- you could also put it in
parallel with C93 on the SW board-- careful with the polarity.)


P.S. My apologies to anyone contacting me in the last few months if I
missed replying to you. We *just* finished getting Ground Kontrol back to
our permanent location after a huge three month remodel, so it'll be several
weeks still before I get my head above water again. We were doing 120+ hour
weeks there towards the end. ;-)

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