Re: ZVG VMMenu 1.2 released

From: matt <>
Date: Fri Apr 15 2011 - 22:14:43 EDT

can i ask for one more thing?
if some one made a game say an "exe" could you add it to the menu list
say eg.
Other|ZVG tweat|c:\zvg\zvgTweak.exe
Other|Start Ftp|c:\ftp.bat

if its possable
thanks matt
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Chad Gray
  Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 7:08 PM
  Subject: VECTOR: ZVG VMMenu 1.2 released

  Hi All,

  I've updated the DOS ZVG Vector Mame Menu, adding some new features:

  * spinner/mouse support
  * customizable colours
  * support for old versions of mame lacking the zvg_menu switch
  * smarter navigation mode option
  * keyboard led support

  I forgot to announce the release of v1.1 a week or so back, this added, amongst other things:

  * full screen rotation
  * customizable controls

  Finally you Tempest owners should be catered for :)

  You can download it from the Zektor downloads page:



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