Re: starhawk problems

From: William Boucher <>
Date: Sat Apr 16 2011 - 13:33:00 EDT

The tip mentioned certainly will work however since the original LF13331 is still available from a couple of sources, I would prefer to just keep using them, maybe stock a few just in case.

Another tip, rather than soldering an equivelent function but mirror-pinned chip upsidedown to a socket and installing it from the top side of the PCB, I suggest to simply remove the original socket and install it (or a new socket) from the bottom side of the PCB. This way, the new chip simply plugs in from the bottom side without soldering stress or flipping it or anything. Too easy?

William Boucher
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Kevin Moore
  Cc: vernimark
  Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2011 8:28 AM
  Subject: Re: VECTOR: starhawk problems

  Found this little tid bit searching the vector list. If that doesn't work, I might have a spare or two.


  RE: LF13331N questions
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  From: Tom McClintock <>
  Date: Tue Jun 11 2002 - 16:09:28 EDT

  Pins 5 and 12 are your +/- 15V inputs, so I would start
  with the regulators, and work you way back to the power
  supply before replacing the LF13331 switch.

  Rodger was kind enough to come up with a (relatively
  inexpensive) replacement for the chip.

  Yup, it's an obsolete part. It's getting hard to find.
   How about
  making your own?

  If I had any ambition I'd be making these myself and
  selling them to
  anyone that wants them. But someone else can do that,
  not me.

  You will need an IC socket and a not-the-best analog
  switch IC such as a
  DG212, DG202, or MAX332. (Something with a similar
  on-resistance to the
  LF13331 and can handle the power supply voltage).

  Put the IC UPSIDE DOWN on the IC socket. Pin 1 of the
  IC socket will be
  pin 8 of the IC and vice versa. Solder it to the
  socket. Trim off the
  extra pin length.

  Now plug it into the game. Pin 1 of the SOCKET plugs
  in to the pin 1
  position of the game (you might want to paint a dot on
  the IC (pin 1 of
  socket, pin 8 of IC).

  The disable pin of the LF13331 no longer works on this
  retrofit, but
  according to Cinamatronics schematics it isn't used

  Well, at least it sounds good in theory. Perhaps
  someone some day will
  give it a try. (I don't have games any more).


  On Tue, 11 June 2002, "Mills, Lewis" wrote


  On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 6:09 AM, vernimark <> wrote:

    Yes I’ve a space wars... do you know where to buy an LF13331?

    DAC80s are soldered, I’ll try to remove them without any damage

    Thank you,



    From: [] On Behalf Of Rich Marquette
    Sent: sabato 16 aprile 2011 13.03
    Subject: RE: VECTOR: starhawk problems

    Based on the picture, I would think that the problem is in the monitor itself. Probably in one of the digital parts of it (DACs or Analog switch) Do you have another Cinematronics vector game you can put the CPU board into?

    You could try swapping the two DAC chips around on the monitor and see if the picture changes.


    From: [] On Behalf Of vernimark
    Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2011 6:01 AM
    To: Vectorlist
    Subject: VECTOR: starhawk problems

    Hi All,

    after a long time I’m trying to continue with my star hawk project; it is almost complete with the ecception on the most important part: PCB J

    this is what I see:

    star ships are complete when fly on the top-left quarter of the screen but then lose some vectors moving on the bottom-right. Sounds are ok.

    background is incomplete as shown in the picture.

    The game works, I can insert coins and play with one or two players selecting different speeds.

    Do you have any idea?

    On your opinion is it a PCB problem or board problem?

    Thank you,


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