Re: Atari AVG 137179-001 chip operation info needed

Date: Thu Nov 03 2011 - 12:02:21 EDT

I have had a couple of these a while ago, and they certainly do the job.... Infact I'll probably be bumping into the guy at the weekend. Regards, Colin ________________________________ From: Pat Danis <> To: Sent: Thursday, 3 November, 2011 15:35:04 Subject: Re: VECTOR: Atari AVG 137179-001 chip operation info needed One of my big regrets in life is not having made it through the EE program at UT.  That degree would probably help me understand a lot more of what is written here than my Business degree. Bill, I appreciate your fortitude in developing both the test rig and the AVG chip replacement.  I am always on the hunt for AVG chips and the only source I can find seems to be Space Duel boards because "nobody" seems to want them.  I would hope that there is some sort of source for affordable replacement chips and you might be that source.  If we could somehow get them down to about $20 each I would be thrilled.  Any idea what the pricing would be on yours? Pat --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Unsubscribe, subscribe, or view the archives at ** Please direct other questions, comments, or problems to
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Received on Thu Nov 3 12:02:29 2011

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