Re: Wico XY Pattern Generator - Decoding Switches

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Mon Nov 07 2011 - 13:43:54 EST

Zitt Zitterkopf wrote:
> I’m looking at the schematics for the Wico XY Pattern Generator; and
> can seem to figure out how the Front panel PCB connects to the Main Board.
> At A-8 on the main schematics page; it shows P3-1-8 as connected to
> the D Flip Flops and the A10 of the U7/U8 pattern generating roms.
> However, P3 doesn’t seem to connect correctly to the “cable” connected
> to the front panel board at B-8 on the second page.
> It appears that the diode matrix appears to drive set/clear to Dflip
> flop U6-A which controls A9 on the ROMs.
> But I’m unsure of the encoding given I can figure out how “P3”
> connects to the Front panel board.
> Anyone have an idea?
> John
Do you have a copy of the schematics so I can put them up on TTL? The
manual (such as it is) is there along with images of the Eproms.


John :-#)#

John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9 
Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, VideoGames)
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