Re: Gravitar Signature Analysis

From: teeray <>
Date: Wed Jan 18 2012 - 14:29:44 EST
2nd printing of the schematic page 11B shows how to setup SA for the vector section.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Moore
Sent: Jan 17, 2012 8:54 PM
Subject: VECTOR: Gravitar Signature Analysis

So I haven't tried this yet. So I may be completely off.

On Battlezone, Tempest etc. There is a specific setup, and test screen you have to be on to do signature analysis on the aux boards. Looking over the Gravitar Schematics it has signatures listed for alot of the vector section. I haven't been able to find any documentation as of yet to show how to obtain these. The schematics show how to do normal catbox stuff, and address/dataline sigs, but not how to do a setup for the vector sigs. Maybe it's the same? But from previous experience the setup is different.

Is there a supplemental troubleshooting doc for Gravitar I haven't found yet?


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