Atari Tempest issue

From: Elliot Braun <>
Date: Tue May 08 2012 - 15:02:30 EDT


I have owned this Atari Tempest system for about 7 years now. One day it
just quit starting up. Power comes on but no game play.

I have rebuilt the large board connector both ends (blade connector?), no
love. I have replaced the big blue cap. nothing. I have checked power
with a VOM and all looks well. I have reseated and resoldered interconnect

This screen appears upside down.

 I have attached the test mode screen. The re is no visible video in
normal mode, just spot blocker led on monitor flashes.

Player buttons light solid and board led is lit.

Please help. I miss my tempest!



[image: Inline image 1]

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