WG6100 burning up R100

From: Andre Huijts <a.huijts_at_upcmail.nl>
Date: Sun Sep 01 2013 - 18:12:54 EDT

Examined a defective 6100 and I found F100 and F101 were blown. Replaced them but figured they went for a reason show checked all the chassis transistors and found a bad one, replaced with some type, measured out fine, no shorts to chassis.

Since the LV section was still original I checked the parts there and noticed R100 had smoked (but still measured 15 Ohms out of circuit). Also checked Q100 and found it defective, replaced it.
Checked all other parts in LV, seemed fine.

Powered up, smoke from R100 but picture does come up (although wobbly), decide to power down.

I wonder why R100 started smoking again. I'm positive I checked all transistors on the deflection board.

I've ordered two LV6100's from Jeff but maybe I have to look for something else too ?

Cheers, André
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