Re: Parts I'm still looking for...Anyone?

From: pj pj <>
Date: Wed Jan 22 2014 - 17:52:32 EST

I tried thisoldgame and he did have the artwork. I like the idea of printing on vinyl or mylar since we could have it trimmed to size and if something happened to the glass, no big disaster. Also makes it less harrowing to ship UPS.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jordan B" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 1:30:00 PM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Parts I'm still looking for...Anyone?

Well, I just saw that tweet, sure looks like he has a file to print, or at least 90% of it. I say email him again about having that inkjet printed on vinyl.

Inline image 1

Jordan B

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 1:24 PM, Jordan B < > wrote:

It will depend on what form of the "artwork" he has. 

If its the original Atari screens, that's a big deal. Lots of work and will need a minimum order to be worthwhile to run. Most likely silkscreened straight to new glass.

If he has the artwork in a high quality digital format, (.pdf, .ai etc..) then a vinyl underlay could be made one at a time. No big deal.

I'm guessing that he has access to the screens, and its a fat chance that enough people will be interested in paying the premium for new silkscreened glass. Best bet to get something done is to find/make/borrow a digital file that can be used to print an underlay.
Jordan B

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 12:11 PM, John Robertson < > wrote:

Looks like it is who has the artwork...send him email to see if he does one-offs of it.

John :-#)#

On 01/22/2014 11:14 AM, wrote:

If you're on KLOV, then perhaps respond to my new "INTEREST THREAD"
posting for repro TMPST CT underlays.  It's about time we get these done
... (by THIS OLD GAME or someone else).
http://forums.arcade-museum. com/showthread.php?t=300161
Since the artwork already exists it should be trivial for an sign shop to
print this directly onto glass for y'all with a flatbed printer.

I would offer the service but we just got rid of our 4x8 flatbed and only
have a printer with a 2x2 print area now.

I could arrange it for anyone in San Antonio, though, most likely.  I'd
have to talk to a friend of mine first who has a printer capable of doing

Just an idea,


---------- Original Message ----------
From: John Robertson < >
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Parts I'm still looking for...Anyone?
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 10:21:01 -0800

FYI, when quoting Ebay listings you can stop at the end of the listing
number: Tempest-Cocktail-Glass/ 321294828539

  Works just fine!

  John ;-#)#

  On 01/22/2014 5:51 AM, jerry madsen
wrote: Tempest-Cocktail-Glass/ 321294828539?_trksid=p2050601. m2372&_trkparms=aid%3D111000% 26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3D1% 26asc%3D207%26meid% 3D4297391512017479984%26pid% 3D100085%26prg%3D1112%26rk% 3D2%26rkt%3D4%26sd% 3D251431414949%26%26clkid% 3D4297392006803984532&_qi= RTM1562570
Tempest glass,New. Pricey but nice!!!!

  On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 9:02 PM, Clay Cowgill
< > wrote:
  Not to thread-jack this, but I'd be interested in any answer on the
Tempest cocktail underlay too.  I thought I remembered one back in the
day too, but I suspect it was prior to Scott getting the Atari films?
-Clay  -----Original Message----- From: owner-vectorlist@vectorlist. org
[mailto: owner-vectorlist@ ] On Behalf Of pj pj Sent:
Tuesday, January 21, 2014 6:47 PM To: Subject:
VECTOR: Parts I'm still looking for...Anyone?  Hey all,  I'm still on the
lookout for the following to clear some projects that are becoming the
bane of my OCD burdened existence (I've got all kinds of D's ;) ):
-M48AAW00X 19" tube for an Amp, or a complete WG6100 with a good tube.
-Top glass with graphics for Tempest CT and Asteroids Deluxe:  I have
really nice games with really bad glass.  Didn't someone make an underlay
for Tempest a while back?  Again, please PM me off list and we can go
from there.
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