RE: Bad sprites in Hypersports

From: tom mcclintock <>
Date: Wed Apr 26 2000 - 10:26:24 EDT


If you have a little time, you could try replacing each ROM with a
"broken" one, and then test the game out in MAME to determine which chip
is bad. Here is a link to a site that explains it in a bit more detail!


Well, after some feedback from you guys (Thank you) it seems my Hyper
board has bad rom(s) and I need new ones. Since I do not have an eprom
reader, I cannot tell which is which. So the question remains:

Anyone wanna fix my HS? I think I've done as much as I can with my
knowledge and tools I have in front of me.

Let me know,

-Curtis Hart
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Received on Wed Apr 26 08:26:44 2000

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