Re: Simple question about cleaning up ground line

From: Andrew Wilson <>
Date: Sun Mar 31 2002 - 01:20:40 EST

> Why not just connect the switch itself to PCB GND instead of the noisy
> GND?

It's because I'm trying to use my existing JAMMA test switch, which is
already wired in the cab. I could also rewire the cab to have a separate
ground wire for the switch, but if there's some simple way to clean up the
ground without it, I'd like to try it.

> I think if you want to eliminate fluctuations in GND, you need the cap
> between the GND and a stable reference point - like the +5V. ICs on
> PCBs often have caps between their V supply and GND pins to keep the
> voltage differential between them stable.

That might work too. I've got some spare caps hanging around from a couple
of old projects, so I'll just experiment.

Thanks again for the help...


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