Re: Fluke scripts

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Fri Oct 05 2001 - 01:40:56 EDT

I've been working on the scripts for a while now using RKSIC.EXE, and
getting a bit of a hang of it. they really help automate the testing of
boards. I'm working on the Galaga script and was trying to figure out what
exactly some of the commands do. For example, on the Galaga.s script on my
web site zip file it refers to:
        WRITE @ 208000 = 0 <-? So where does the 20XXXX come from? Obviously the
        WRITE @ 2087FF = 11 <-? this is the end of the memory block to test, but

        READ @ REGF <- not sure what this means but suspect it is a jump to an
internal RAM test.
        IF REGE = B0 GOTO WAIT <- recycle, not finished test
        IF REGE = B1 GOTO WAIT <- again
        IF REGE = B2 GOTO WAIT <-and again...

        IF REGE = C0 GOTO RAM1KOK <- seems to have passed if this shows up in REGE
        GOTO RAM1KBAD <- uh-oh, never saw REGE = C0 so we have a problem, better
test RAM thoroughly.

        DPY-#RAM 1K TESTS OK
        EX DELAY <- leave message on screen for a few seconds
        GOTO RAM1KEND <- Lets finish here

        RAM LONG @ 8000 - 87FF <- Normal Long RAM test (if a problem with the
stuff above)
RAM1KEND: <- Time to move to next program

  Memory locations that can be accessed by any of the three processors by
setting them to 30XXXX and 20XXXX, but this does not seem to work correctly
in all cases. ?.?.

Does anyone have more info on programming the Fluke than is present in the
9010A programming manual (I have an original of it - it is identical to the
one on but this is not covered there, nor in the Z80 pod manual
or the other 9010 reference manuals that I can find. the Z80 pod DOES use
the 1XXXX as the I/O access, but that seems to be all. The docs for the
program RKSIC.EXE are delightfully meager...

Anyone else playing with these scripts?

I am starting to think that the ROM signature that the Fluke generates
might be better than a checksum as it differentiates between two ROMs that
have the same checksum, yet work differently (like Fast/Regular Fire Galaga
#5 ROM), thus will find which ROM you have easier than doing a data verify
(which takes more bandwidth on the Fluke). Now the question is: How does
the 9010 create the signature? Is it the same process as an Additive
Signature as defined in the HP Signature notes? I guess I'll have to check
that (unless someone else here has a clue).

If the ROM Signature is easily figured out, then if some clever soul could
write a simple program (like Bill Ungs' ROMSUM.exe) to generate the Fluke
Signatures from ROM image files that would speed the troubleshooting.

John :-#)#

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