Re: Signature Analying (DOH!!)

From: Kev <mowerman?>
Date: Wed Dec 10 1997 - 00:01:50 EST

Jess Askey wrote:

> I can try and get sigs for Williams pinball boards as well. But then
> there is that time factor again.:-0

I started on the Williams PCB but didn't get far.

I'm sorta confused about the WEB/Atari/SA thing

-are you scaning all the schematics with SA nodes

-or just documenting SA points?

The layout used in Battlezone for SA is the method I prefer as it is much easier to do a
board by looking at chips & locations than trying to pull them from schematics.

> Too bad I have to sleep everynight... else I could get tons of stuff
> done (and probably have a heart attack).

Yeah, don't forget X-mas, eating, family, spouses, pets, day jobs....

Kev   <- Coin Op Video Game site
                           Looking for any Pac Man info & a few good PCBs...
Received on Tue Dec 9 19:19:06 1997

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