Atari AVG Controller

From: Jess Askey <>
Date: Wed Jan 07 1998 - 17:12:38 EST

I know this idea has been tossed around before but the AVG chip has once
again stuck it's ugly head into my life, twice this time. The last 4
vector boards that I have repaired had bad AVG controllers on them at
that was all, im running desperately low and really dont' want to
cannabalize other games anymore, it's dreadful.
  Like I need another project... not. But I need some guidance at least
from all you PAL/PIC/GAL people. Since this IC has ram in it, is that
the part that is throwing the wrench into putting this onto a basic PAL?
What programable IC's would this circuit fit onto? It is such a simple
circuit, can it be that hard? I would be interested in getting at least
20-25 of them if I could be done somehow.
 Any ideas?

Jess M. Askey            *** Coming Soon - The Game Archive ***
Game Spot/Audio Analyst  *  Pinball, Video, Parts, Collecting *   
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Received on Wed Jan 7 14:45:24 1998

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