Opinion needed: Lunar Lander/Asteroids factory conversion

From: Kgowland <Kgowland_at_aol.com>
Date: Thu Mar 05 1998 - 03:37:39 EST

    I have a Lunar Lander cabinet that was converted at the factory to an
Asteroids. I know this because it has 215xx (signifying Asteroids) for model
number and a different sticker that says AST 1350 for the serial number. Here
is where I need your opinions; is it better (value-wise - if I become
and have to sell it) to leave it as a rare Asteroids or return it to Lunar
Lander status? I have the Lunar Lander boardset and got it to work recently.
Should I look for the cp for Lunar Lander or leave it alone? Just as in the
upcoming vote for/against RGVAM, majority will decide whether it stay as
Asteroids or return to Lunar Lander.

Kirby G
PS: I will voting to REMOVE RGVAM.

WTB Blaster cockpit or a Lamborghini; whichever is cheaper.
Received on Thu Mar 5 00:38:56 1998

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