Re: stuff I'm bringing to Cinefest...did I forget anything?

From: Ray Ghanbari <ray_at_Agouron.COM>
Date: Fri May 22 1998 - 22:02:32 EDT

Ozdemir, Steve wrote:

> ps - I even heard rumors about how Ray had sunk so low as to be playing
> video games on a home console! 8^) 8^) 8^) What's the world coming to?

A nasty rumor perpetuated by that Jenison character. He's still
smarting from the time I whipped him, Rick, and the late Alan in a 4
player Eliminator death match (my first and still only time having
played Eliminator...time to retire ;-)

Of course, my PSX w/ xxx games is a LOT more portable than my PCB
collection, and my Vectrex takes a lot less room in my office than my
Space Wars ;-) In my defence, I'm planning on interfacing my PSX to my
new Rick-style Xenophobe/JAMMA cabinet, and my Vectrex to my
Asteroids...does that count for anything? ;-)

Received on Fri May 22 19:04:44 1998

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