Star Wars - flyback suggestions?

From: Dave Turner <>
Date: Sat Aug 15 1998 - 14:55:48 EDT

Just had to share it with the group that I just picked up my first
vector game, Star Wars! I would say overall it is at least an 8.5+ of 10
(on the dave scale <grin>)!

It was in better shape than I had hoped, but unfortunatly looks like the
flyback has gone out. I am not that electronically inclined, so I was
wondering if someone could point out my options on this. I do know of

1. Wintron Flyback $160! Yike!
2. Some kind of raster monitor parts swap (but I have no other

The key was lost to the back, so I am not sure of the flyback problem
(can't power it up yet either due to cord cut), but the guy I got it
from is pretty competent and says it is bad. Anybody have any other
options for me? I also got another video board, alas, with another dead
red flyback.

Thanks for any help! ** Dave **
Received on Sat Aug 15 13:56:14 1998

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