Re: CRT gun driver levels?

From: Zonn <>
Date: Fri Aug 21 1998 - 19:54:13 EDT

On Fri, 21 Aug 1998 16:40:07 -0700, Clay Cowgill <> wrote:

>How many unique "colors" did Boxing Bugs and (whatever the other color
>game was) use? I'd suspect that a 150ns EPROM is probably plenty fast
>to be a color lookup table-- maybe just use that? The cheapest x8 PROMs
>I use in the MultiPac's are a couple bucks each... The EPROM would
>obviously have "room to spare" for whatever we wanted to shove in

Boxing Bugs and War of the Worlds used 4096 colors (16 levels of Red, Green and



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Received on Fri Aug 21 19:01:42 1998

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