Re: Gravitar Version 3

From: <>
Date: Thu Dec 17 1998 - 19:01:48 EST

>>I have a Gravitar board here with what are apparently version 3 ROMs.
Everything I have seen or read says nothing about a version 3, including
Jess Askey's site. Is there some significance to these ROMs?
Here is a picture: <<

    This is great! I'd heard rumors, but I'd never seen the version 3 roms.
Somebody told me they cure the infamous "sun orbit cheat". If your board is
running, can you test this and let me know if version 3 stops the "sun orbit
cheat"?? (Orbit the sun and just keep picking off the "enforcer" ships - a
cheating way to easily score above 100,000....)

Michael Kelley

Miranda, Is there any chance of you archiving the roms? Do you have an eprom

Thanks Again,
Received on Thu Dec 17 18:12:38 1998

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