Re: Rare vector finds web page

From: Jeff Anderson <>
Date: Thu Feb 25 1999 - 00:57:36 EST

> Don't forget to include I,Robot (Duncan Brown is the expert on that) though
> it's not a vector game, I was looking for 2 years before I found mine. BTW
> if you need a picture, feel free to rip the one from:

I dunno about I,Robot, but its about as close to vector graphics on a
raster monitor as you can get. If I'm not mistaken the board has a vector
generator and it fills them in to make the polygons elsewhere.. Better
Lump Simutrek's Cube Quest lasergame in there too, of course nobody owns a
complete and working one AFAIK. I have a manual and it does have a vector
generator board in its card cage so i dunno if it shades them in to make
polygons or not. it used the LD (pioneer LD-1100) for the backgrounds.

As far as I,Robot there seems to be a bunch of them around.. maybe
thats just me though..for some reason I've run across a lot of them.
In just this past year I've seen at least 6, owned 3 and some extra
boardsets, and heard of plenty more. I'm about to pick up another (maybe
2) next month. Gaymond always seems to have a stash of them too..

BTW: Clay I'm near my nice I,Robot control panel again.. still want decal
scans? There's only one small cig burn that should touch up pretty easy.

I made a webpage on I,Robot.. It has screenshots & descriptions of every
level, character, test mode..pinouts, flyer and manual scans.. everything.

I wanna redo the screen shots with thumbnails eventually, and re-write the
hall effect joystick page & test mode page as I made them in like 10
minutes and they suck. its been 18 months since I created/looked at it.

Received on Wed Feb 24 23:57:38 1999

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