Re: Atari cab repairs?

From: W. Dennis Shirk <>
Date: Fri Apr 09 1999 - 10:30:11 EDT

The only thing that I have found to help is to do exactly what you

I have a ROTJ that I am restoring, and it was peeling like crazy, so I
scored the peeling edge off. The only problem is that you cannot sand the
wood underneath completely smooth, so to keep any more from peeling, I put a
THIN layer of wood filler over the exposed wood and the edge of the contact
paper stuff and sanded this smooth. After applying a new coat of paint, it
looks great. This way takes alot of patience tho'.


>How about this:
>I've got a couple old Atari cabs that are peeling near the edges. Is this
>paint? It looks like maybe a melamine coating, and it just keeps peeling
>back. I'm thinking I can score it with a razor blade or utility knife and
>a straightedge, then peel off the outer piece.
>Now the question: how to repair, paint so it looks almost unnoticeable
>and keep the edge from lifting again?
>I've looked at several restoration pages and didn't see anything that
>covered this particular situation, If I missed it somewhere please feel
>free to point.:)
>Cheers, Don
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Received on Fri Apr 9 06:33:47 1999

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