New projects (was Re: Ampliphone HV-other options?!)

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Mon Jun 14 1999 - 01:38:25 EDT

Well, getting ready to go to a trade show, so won't be back here until Friday.

When I get back there's some projects to do:
    Keltron/Atari high voltage power supply.
        Interesting thing here is that, although both
        Cinematronics and Electrohome uses the
        same 19VARP4 picture tube the specs are
        different! (anode voltages are at NO load,
        even though current specs are given):
            Cinematronics specs are:
                16,000 volts @ 250 uAmp
                400 volts @ 1 mAmp
                90 volts @ 8 mAmp
                (focus grid of tube is grounded)
                input voltage is 25 volts
            Electrohome specs are:
                12,000 volts @ 200 uAmp
                400 volts
                90 volts
                (focus is adjustable 0 to 400 volts)
                input voltage is 40 volts

    Vector yoke project. Object is to take an
    inexpensive TV yoke and see how hard it would
    be to rewind it for vector. Horizontal windings
    would be OK as-is, vertical would need rewound
    to match horizontal.

    Color vector high-voltage supply project. Need to
    find data on the care and feeding of a 19VLUP22.
    Anyone know if the Ampliflame tube uses the same

    G08 "bullet-proof" deflection board project. I have
    come up with a bipolar/FET cascoded output circuit
    with possibilities. It has current limiting built in and,
    in theory, is more than a match for anything a Sega
    vector could do to a monitor. But theory doesn't always
    get you there, so there will have to be cruel and inhumane
    tortures tried on the circuit first before releasing it on an
    unsuspecting world. It is an odd circuit, to say the
    least. I have a friend that is into custom modification of
    high power audio amps that I'll chat with first. His
    modified amps have a habit of NOT dying, so his input
    will be valued. But the circuit DOES look like it could
    handle full deflection into a shorted yoke without damage,
    time will tell.

If any of this flies I'll probably have someone else build them,
just don't have that kind of time.
Received on Mon Jun 14 00:38:24 1999

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