Fluke 9010a videos

From: Matt Rossiter - Verio Southern California <matt_at_rossiters.com>
Date: Thu Jul 15 1999 - 16:18:17 EDT

I can't remember if this was discussed or not. Were we debating on
putting the videos in to Real Video? I can probably get these put up on a
Real video/audio server with plenty of bandwidth behind it.

If this would be an interesting idea to you, let me know.


                              V E R I O
             Orange County . Los Angeles . San Diego

Matthew J. Rossiter email: mrossiter@verio.net
Customer Services Engineer http://socal.verio.net
8001 Irvine Center Drive Phone: 800.273.5600
Suite 1200 Phone: 949.450.8400
Irvine, CA 92618-2934 Fax: 949.450.8410
                                   24 hour Tech Support: 888.306.4638
Received on Thu Jul 15 15:17:24 1999

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