RE: Tempest Multigame Weirdness...

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Wed Aug 04 1999 - 14:32:16 EDT

> I finally got my Tempest multigame installed and everything works great
> with
> the published switch settings... In fact I've been having a great time at
> Vector Breakout (I never cared that much for breakout...but now that it's
> a
> vector game... :)
Good! Glad you like it.

> I have noticed 2 weird things with Breakout though and was wondering if it
> was
> just me. I will usually coin up about 20-30 games and then start playing.
> At
> some point I noticed that the # of credits at the bottom of the screen was
> reading weird "0E"...and then some other weird ones (non-hex). It
> returned to
> normal at 9 credits. When coining up the # of credits was displayed
> properly
> though.
Hmmmmm. Could be a bug. I'd seen this once before, but thought I had it
fixed. Or maybe I decided that nobody would put more than 10-ish credits in
at a time and I'd get away with leaving it like it is. ;-) I'll try to look
at it sometime and see what's up.

> Also, I've noticed that the right curved portion of the paddle will extend
> slightly over the boundary on the right side of the screen. My monitor
> does
> need to be converged...but I don't think that is the problem really, as it
> really doesn't look like a convergence problem.
Yeah, it does that a little bit on mine too. The problem is that the border
of the screen is a bunch of long vector draws-- and the vector integrator
manages to drift a little in that time. The reason it's shifted is that
it's *really* off on the left side, so I'm compensating a bit for that. The
left edge of the paddle may or may not meet with the left side of the border
on your monitor. The game "plays" entirely as a mathematical simulation
(not like you can read a pixel out of video memory in a vector display to do
a real object-collision test) with the display just showing what the
simulation numbers signify.

Received on Wed Aug 4 13:32:29 1999

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