Re: vector programming...

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Fri Oct 01 1999 - 22:50:02 EDT

> > 2 Pass Disassembler with hardware commenting
> I must say that I like this idea a lot. In fact, I like it so much that I
> *stole* it for my Tempest code documentation project. Users are not only
> able to add comments to the code, but to memory addresses (which includes
> hardware registers).

This sounds like a disassembler I wrote eons ago that actually does a code
walkthrough. Here's a sample from an Asteroids dump:

7cfa ca DEX
7cfb 9d 00 03 STA $0300,X ; Player 2 RAM
7cfe 9d 00 02 STA $0200,X ; Player 1 RAM
7d01 9d 00 01 STA $0100,X ; Stack page
7d04 95 00 STA $00,X
7d06 d0 f2 BNE L7cfa
7d08 ac 07 20 LDY SELFTEST ; Self test
7d0b 30 43 BMI L7d50
7d0d e8 INX


                 ; Subroutine - 7 References
                 ; Calling locations:
                 ; $6f2b $6f32 $6f3b L7370 $74da $74ec $7f7e

7d45 a0 00 LDY #$00
7d47 91 02 STA ($02,Y)
7d49 c8 INY
7d4a 8a TXA
7d4b 91 02 STA ($02,Y)
7d4d 4c 39 7c JMP L7c39

7d50 9d 00 40 STA $4000,X ; Vector RAM
7d53 9d 00 41 STA $4100,X ; Vector RAM
7d56 9d 00 42 STA $4200,X ; Vector RAM



Neil Bradley Synthcom home :
Synthcom Systems, Inc. C++ - Where you can make your privates public!
ICQ # 29402898 Friends don't let newbie programmer friends do C++
Received on Fri Oct 1 21:38:03 1999

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