Re: PUFF the magic G08, lived, by the sea...

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Wed Oct 20 1999 - 03:26:27 EDT

Be VERY careful here, the original G08-003 design used the
MJ15003/MJ15004 outputs. One NPN and one PNP. The
later 2N6259 design had BOTH outputs as NPN. The driver
circuit is quite different between the two.

Sorry Zanen, love your kits but the 2N3716 has no business being
put in this monitor.

By the way, those 6 2N6259 transistors I brought back from
Florida a few months ago are still here, there were no takers.
I have 6 pieces that I paid $6 each for (plus Florida sales tax).
If anyone wants all 6 for $45 (shipping included in that price), let
me know. These are all Harris (they bought RCA) 9027 date code. (All
right, FINALLY a possibility of making a profit on
something---so sue me!)

Mark E Davidson wrote:

> Ok ive just found out how the G08 monitor got its bad reputation. Before
> I begin , this may be a bit long and my questions are scattered in
> between, sorry in advance.
> I have had in my possession 2 Star Trek machines. One dedicated and one
> is a converted Asteroids. One has no monitor and the other monitor
> worked but was "flaky". I also picked up a dedicated Space Fury three
> weeks ago that also developed monitor problems as is was shipped across
> the country, so the time came for some cap kits. The 110 cap kit that
> Zanen sells is really off, in its selection of components. First, I’m
> not real happy with the lower voltage caps supplied in the high voltage
> area and what is with the deflection transistors? The original
> transistors were MJS0003 but replaced with 2N6259 in the revision 03
> monitor. Unfortunately, these are no longer made but NTE does cross
> reference the 2N6259 to the modern transistor NTE388. The Zanen kit
> comes with 2N3716. ????!!?? Is the really suitable? I also was amazed
> how cool these transistors run. Very cool to the touch unlike the WG
> monitors.
> Anyway, The caping of the monitors fixed the Space Fury monitor but
> didn’t change the Star Trek monitor. I suspected that there is a failing
> Fly back in the Star Trek as the picture fuzzes out and I think I can
> here arcing (although I don’t see arcing) in the HV area. To prove this
> out, I swapped out the HV unit with a spare and the HV problem went
> away.
> I wanted to test both my Star Treks so I put the working monitor into
> the converted ST and the picture was just gorgeous. But when I put it
> back in the dedicated ST I noticed I have no blue???!!? I was poking
> around when I heard the sizzle of burning parts and that familiar smell
> of burning parts… Even the deflection transistor fan quit. Any one ever
> had a similar G08 experience?
> Dont get me wrong, The loss of blue had nothing to do with the frying
> of the monitor. This game has other problem as well like no sound
> (though it did partially work when I picked it up).
> Ill be ripping out the deflection board tomorrow but if anyone has any
> comments.. I’m listening.
> -=Mark=-
Received on Wed Oct 20 02:56:14 1999

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