Re: PUFF the magic G08, lived, by the sea...

From: ddhumphr <>
Date: Wed Oct 20 1999 - 09:49:15 EDT

So wait a minute, what should I be rebuilding this section with? I can get
the MJ15003/MJ15004s but I have the paddle boards rev. of the monitor (-003)
used in Star Trek. I just ordered a couple of the Zanen kits, and I'm being
led to believe that the 2n3716's aren't the solution we had wished.

'course I could grab Rogers parts here, but that doesn't seem like a good long
term solution. And right now, I'm not sure if the NTE388's are the solution

Any directions hombres?


Rodger Boots wrote:

> Be VERY careful here, the original G08-003 design used the
> MJ15003/MJ15004 outputs. One NPN and one PNP. The
> later 2N6259 design had BOTH outputs as NPN. The driver
> circuit is quite different between the two.
> Sorry Zanen, love your kits but the 2N3716 has no business being
> put in this monitor.
> By the way, those 6 2N6259 transistors I brought back from
> Florida a few months ago are still here, there were no takers.
> I have 6 pieces that I paid $6 each for (plus Florida sales tax).
> If anyone wants all 6 for $45 (shipping included in that price), let
> me know. These are all Harris (they bought RCA) 9027 date code. (All
> right, FINALLY a possibility of making a profit on
> something---so sue me!)
Received on Wed Oct 20 08:53:10 1999

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