Re: Something cool I didn't realize about Tempest

From: Noel Johnson <>
Date: Tue Nov 30 1999 - 08:54:45 EST

Yes, demo mode allows the player to "skip" a given tube and advance to
the next tube by pressing the one (or two, I believe) player button down
and holding it. You are still subject to being killed during this
process (eg, hitting a spike while advancing to the next tube). What
happened to Matt is a kind of fluke in the program. In some situations,
when using the "skip" feature and getting killed while advancing to the
next tube, apparantly the starfield simulation screen sticks on. I
have seen this on every Tempest board I have owned, so I don't think
it's unique.

I believe there is a brief mention of the demo mode/skip a level feature
in the Tempest Operations manual on page 14.

Noel Johnson

Matt Rossiter - Verio Southern California wrote:
> I guess I must've been in the dark this whole time - but I didn't realize
> you could configure the dip switches such that you could start on *any*
> level you wanted up to level 81. Not only that - but you could advance to
> the next level at any time by pushing the player 1 button. One *really*
> trippy thing happened while I was playing - I hit the player 1 button
> while in the middle of a big fight with the flippers. One of the flippers
> hit me at the same time I was starting to advance to the next level -
> which started the stars moving, but my next player came up and I didn't
> advance to the next level. *BUT* - the stars kept moving while I engaged
> in battle. That was the best surprise of my whole evening - seeing moving
> stars on Tempest while fighting.
> So - just to ask this one dumb question. Is this something I just didn't
> realize this whole time - or is this something unusual?
> Matt
> PS - Being able to start at the green level is REALLY COOL.
> V E R I O
> Orange County . Los Angeles . San Diego
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Received on Tue Nov 30 07:57:52 1999

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